Want Lists
Since many records sell very quickly, the best way to get records that you're looking for is to send us your wantlist. As soon as the record is added to the site, you will get a notification to the email address you have entered.
The easiest way to add records to your wantlist is to search the site. When you find the record you want (listed as out of stock), just click "Add to wants". You can add as many records as you like. When you are finished, go to Wantlists on top of the page and fill out your email address and currency (this is a leftover from an old site construction, doesn't really make any difference, just pick one. Same goes for format, pressing and price willing to pay. The system we use does not make any difference between originals and reissues, so if you're strictly looking for originals, you might sometimes be disappointed to find that you've been notified about a reissue - sorry for any inconvenience.).
If you wish to add a record that is not in our out of stock material: fill out artist, title, format and price willing to pay (not mandatory) in your currency of choice. Do NOT write any additional info in the title or artist-fields, such as "promo", stereo issue etc. Please write additional info in the comment field.
Please note that our wantlist function is automatic. We do NOT go through everybody's wantlists one by one. If you have questions about specific items, please send an email to info@recordmania.se.
IMPORTANT: If you get an email notification, that does not mean that the record is reserved for you. It is simply a reminder that the item is in stock, and whoever orders the record first gets it. Likewise, there is no pressure to buy the record just because
it's on your wantlist.
Again, all wantlists are handled automatically, so if the artist or title you have entered doesn't exactly match our website/database info, your want will be invalid. (For example: if you send us a want for Gang Star - Moment Of Truth, you will not be notified when Gang Starr - Moment Of Truth is added to the site.
Happy Hunting!

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